Ship Repair


QA Manual and PCP Writing Support for Your Business

Working with the United States Navy and the ship repair industry, our team has a combined experience level of over 70 years. This experience has given us a clear understanding of the many requirements within the industry. Our focus:

  • NAVESEA Standard Item 009-04, Quality Management System – This requires each contractor to “establish, document, implement, and maintain a Quality Management System.” Our skilled team has experience in the establishment and continued management of the QMS program.
  • NAVESEA Standard Item 009-09, Process Control Procedure (PCP) – When “called out,” this item requires the writing of a PCP. At first, the authoring of a PCP seems very straight forward. The frustration begins upon submittal for approval. This is where our experience is valuable. MtPi has written PCPs for our customers in all the U.S. Navy’s Regional Maintenance Centers (RMC) and understands the variations of each region.

With our understanding of these two Standard Items

MtPi is a valuable resource to your business by providing:

A staff of seasoned writers, when needed for the development of a PCPs for submittal to any RMC for approval we stand ready. Once approved, MtPi staff is “off the clock” and along with it is your expense for a writer.

  • Utilizing our services allows you to remain competitive, eliminating the need for a full-time PCP writer, who represents a fixed cost to your business in overhead through salary and benefits.
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if you choose to maintain an in-house writing staff

MtPi can provide services to your business as well by:

  • Providing training
  • PCP writing support when your staff becomes overwhelmed due to heavy workload
  • Our specialty talents in writing PCPs for specific jobs your staff may not have experience in; and
  • Continued support to answer questions concerning the writing of procedural documents.

MtPi can author or update your Quality Management System (QMS) and all supporting documents

However, this is not enough. We can train your QMS team to:

  • Understand the ISO 9001 Standard and the Requirements
  • Tailor Your QMS to Your Specific Needs
  • Manage the System:
  • Completing Documents
  • Required Training
  • Audits
  • Managing Vendors
  • Corrective Actions
  • Preventative Actions
  • Monitoring of Materials; and
  • Objective Quality Evidence (OQE).
  • Safety; and
  • With over 20 years of experience in QMS, our customers have been reviewed and audited (with satisfactory results) by multiple RMCs.